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NuGrid/IReNA/BNL day

Monday, December 2nd 2024 @ Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY, USA

Our Goals

In the context of our annual NuGrid collaboration meeting, we are hosting a half-day event with nuclear astrophysics talks, experimental and theoretical, open to the wider community. Our goal is to showcase recent results from the NuGrid collaboration and establish further connections and collaborations with interested groups.

This event is supported by IReNA, the International Research Network for Nuclear Astrophysics. IReNA is a US National Science Foundation AccelNet Network of Networks. It connects six interdisciplinary research networks across 17 countries to foster collaboration, complement and enhance research capabilities in the US and abroad, and thus greatly accelerate progress in science.


Sign up

Follow this link to sign up to the event and receive the zoom link.

Participants (to be announced)


All times are listed in EDT (+6 for CEST, +5 for BST and -3 for PDT)

Time Name Title  
8:30 - 8:45 M. Pignatari “Welcome and introduction to NuGrid and IReNA”  
8:45 - 9:15 P. Denissenkov (UVic) “CaNPAN and international pedagogic and research activities in nuclear astrophysics  
9:15 - 9:45 B. Pritychenko (BNL) “Chemical Evolution of Fluorine in the Milky Way”  
9:45 - 10:00 A. Holas (Heidelberg) “Thermonuclear electron-capture supernovae – New production sites completing the solar inventory of isotopes?”  
10:00 - 10:30 Break    
10:30 - 11:00 J. Wu (BNL) “β-decays for r-process”  
11:00 - 11:25 U. Battino (Keele) “Application of the ChANUREPS and OrCHESTRA Nuclear Astrophysics Databases in Stellar Nucleosynthesis Simulations”  
11:25 - 11:40 S. Abrahams (York) “Nucleosynthesis in accreting neutron star common envelopes”  
11:40 - 11:55 W. Harun (Edinburgh) “Exploring the s-process nucleosynthesis in massive stars”  
11:55 - 12:10 L. Roberti (Budapest) “Rare nuclei production in core-collapse supernovae: the γ-process nucleosynthesis”  
12:10 - 12:30 S. Ota (BNL) “Closing remarks and wishlist for nuclear astrophysics”  
13:30 - 15:30   “Q&A with students: questions and solutions for OMEGA and TINA computational experiments”  

IReNA workshops and conferences are community events intended for networking and collaboration as well as learning. We value the participation of every attendee and want all attendees to have an enjoyable and productive experience. Accordingly, all attendees are expected to abide by the following Code of Conduct. Any participant who wishes to report a violation of this policy is encouraged to speak to Shuya Ota, as he has agreed to serve as a point of contact. Thank you for helping make this a welcoming, friendly event for all.

The 2024 CaNPAN/NuGrid Training Program

Contact: Dr. Pavel Denisenkov, University of Victoria, Canada


CaNPAN is excited to announce its Fall 2024 training program for students specializing in experimental nuclear physics or stellar astrophysics. This year, we are partnering with the NuGrid collaboration for their annual meeting at Brookhaven National Laboratory in December. As a highlight of the program, participants will contribute to a hybrid component of the NuGrid/IReNA/BNL Open Day, where they will have the opportunity to present their projects in short talks.

Program Structure

Participants will engage with a series of numerical problems using computer codes and Python notebooks from the Networkschool-tina, i-process tools, and canpan-project Git repositories. Weekly online meetings will be held from October 17 to November to introduce students to the fundamentals of stellar and nuclear astrophysics and guide them in the use of these computational tools. The numerical methods taught have been successfully employed in previous studies, including:

The goal of these studies is to identify neutron-capture reactions having the strongest impact on predicted abundances, for example on the i-process elements observed in CEMP-i and CEMP-s stars. A list of reactions that have been identified in this way, and their approved experimental studies at U.S. and Canadian nuclear physics laboratories is available here.

Proposed Projects

All projects will be conducted on the University of Victoria’s AstroHub TINA and Outreach servers. Students may choose from the following projects or propose their own:

Students are encouraged to verify previous results and explore reactions impacting other nuclei, such as p-isotopes 92Mo and 96Ru in X-ray bursts, or unstable isotopes 7Be and 22Na in novae. For the i-process project, students will create plots of elemental abundance ratios in CEMP-s and CEMP-i stars, comparing observational data with i-process nucleosynthesis model predictions. They will investigate variations in neutron-capture rates for unstable isotopes and their impact on predicted abundances.

How to participate

Participation is limited to 5 students to ensure a high level of interaction and support. Interested students should send an email to Dr. Pavel Denisenkov by October 15 with the following information:

Sign-up details will be provided October 16, and the program will commence on October 17.

For more information on the computational tools and detailed instructions, please visit:

This training program offers a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge computational tools in nuclear astrophysics. Participants will contribute to ongoing research efforts and develop skills valuable for future work in the field.

IReNA Code of Conduct

This code of conduct applies to all participants in the NuGrid Collaboration meeting. We welcome comments and suggestions. IReNA workshops and conferences are committed to providing a welcoming, inclusive, professional, and safe environment for everyone that encourages the free expression and exchange of scientific ideas and is characterized by an atmosphere of tolerance, equity, and mutual respect, regardless of any personal attributes such as gender, race, etc. Harassment or bullying in any form will not be tolerated. All communication should be appropriate for a professional audience including people of many different backgrounds. Be kind to others. Do not insult or put down other attendees. Behave professionally.

Harassment includes offensive verbal comments or jokes related to nationality, gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appea ance, body size, race, religion, as well as sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention. Bullying is defined as unwelcome or unreasonable behavior that demeans, intimidates, humiliates, or sabotages people, either as individuals or as a group. It includes physical bullying, verbal abuse, disparagement, intimidation, exclusion, or spreading personal rumors.

Participants asked to stop unacceptable behavior are expected to comply immediately. IReNA will not allow retaliation against any individual who makes a report of known or suspected code of conduct violation. Sanctions against attendees violating these rules are at the sole discretion of the conference organizers and may range from warnings to being asked to leave the event, and exclusion from future IReNA sponsored meetings.